Visit Daily Mor-9.00 AM to 12.00 PM:Eve-5.00 PM to 8.00 PM
Call: +91-8808207161
I have worked as a physiotherapist since 2008 and am registered as a physiotherapist
I have training and experience in the main evidence-based physiotherapies
I use different therapeutic methods to help people overcome their problems
About me
Call +91-8808207161
What i can offer for you
●Individual exercises for specific condition.
●Rehabilitation advice to assist return to full function.
●Exercises to assist postural correction.
●Re-education of correct posture.
●Workstation users.
●Massage-to relax tight muscles .
●Mobilisations-to erase joint stiffness and pain.
●Stretches-to improve range of movement.
●Deep massage-to loosen chronic scar tissue.
●Pulsed electromagnetic energy
हमारे मरीज जो चलने फिरने या अपने कार्य को करने में असक्षम होते हैं। जिससे उनका व्यापार,नौकरी सभी प्रभावित होता हैं।
मेरे पास कई मरीज ऐसे होते जो चलने में असक्षम होते जो अपने दैनिक कार्य भी नहीं कर सकते जिससे उनका परिवार भी काफी परेशानी से गुजरता है
हमारे मरीजों को लगातार घुटना ,कमर, गर्दन, कधें में दर्द बना रहता है ।(सर्जरी व दवाओं से क्षणिक आराम मिलता है)
लगभग सभी मरीजों के कमाई का बडा हिस्सा जो इलाज में खर्चा होता हैं
जिसमें जटिल सर्जरी लम्बी दवाओं का खर्च साथ दर्द सब हैं
यह हजार या लाख का नहीं लाखों हैं
फिजियोथेरेपी से आप सभी का खर्च जो लाखों मे था वह हजारों मे हो जायेगा दर्द और सर्जरी से भी बच जायेंगे।
What i treat
I offer a friendly and down-to-earth approach to physiotherapy, providing a safe, confidential and best therapy to the needs of each person.
I offer a friendly and down-to-earth approach to therapy, providing a safe, confidential and non-judgemental space to talk.
You can arrange an appointment by go to the website ( And go to the {book appointment}option further follow this process WELCOME TO CLINIC
Our goal with low back pain is to end pain with a safer solution than surgery. Instead of literally cutting out the problem, we help you to work it out, by moving better naturally to reduce or end pain now and then help prevent the pain from returning later on. This approach is less expensive and less painful than surgery. Here are a few more benefits to doing physical therapy for low back pain instead of surgery.
Not to mention, physical therapy can be less stressful than having surgery, on both the mind and the body.
Our goal with low back pain is to end pain with a safer solution than surgery. Instead of literally cutting out the problem, we help you to work it out, by moving better naturally to reduce or end pain now and then help
Dr. Manish Yadav Physiotherapy offers an extensive range of physiotherapy services ranging from Spinal Physiotherapy, Neurological Physiotherapy, Sports Physiotherapy,Pediatric Physiotherapy to Manual Therapy.
House no. 512/108,6th lane nishatganj lucknow
786manishyadav@gmail.comCall: +91-8808207161